NASA / Chemtrails question
So NASA seems to be admitting that it’s dumping lithium into the atmosphere on a regular basis. Why do you think they are telling us this? Is it because they think that even if we know the truth, they won’t be stopped?
I haven’t heard of this story yet, can someone fill me in?
Okay….so what’s the big deal about lithium?
When did nasa start admitting this? Last I heard they were deniying it
FWIW there is a theory that NASA employees know that this is happening but aren’t aware of NASA’s true intentions and they think it’s harmless to people and the enviroment
Lithium is a drug that’s use to treat depression and bipolarism. NASA working on ways to infect humanity through ‘aerosol vaccinations’ which is a fancy way of saying ‘spray mind control drugs on people.’
Think about it….we’re getting wiser as a society (well, some of us anyway). If wer’re not going to eat their tainted food (GMOs) or drink their tainted water (flouride enhanced water), they have to find another way to drug us. Spreading chemicals through the air is something that is MUCH harder to fight against.
o_______o that’s scary as shit
does air vaccination like that actually work?
It’s all about the mind control. Too long a stick is not enough.
Wow there literally is nothing we can do to escape this eh? Better start buying gas masks…